1. Messiah Bl Game Download
  2. Lucky Dog Bl Game
  3. Lucky Dog Bl Game Part 1 A.k.a Tenneouji

Lucky Dog 1 Characters (spoiler-free) The profiles are all written by me, with information taken from either the official site, the Visual Fanbook, or my memory. Main Characters. Giancarlo Bourbon del Monte Height: 177cm (5ft 10in) Weight: 58kg (128lb) Blood-Type: O Eye color: Gold Age: 25 Birthday: Oct. 10, 1907 Zodiac: Libra Favorite food: Anything tasty, the gum he always chews Favorite color: Yellow Gun: Luger P08 (whenever he remembers to bring it) Likes: Breaking out of jail, listening to the radio, cigarettes Dislikes: Mountain tubers, cigars, baths A man with luck good enough to be nicknamed the “Lucky Dog.” He’ll find diamonds when he goes on walks, and bet on the right horses if he closes his eyes and chooses randomly.

Game Tech Center; Patching Problems (Lucky Dog 1). Patching Problems (Lucky Dog 1). And here is a compilation of BL Games.

He’s never gotten a girl pregnant, and even if he loses his mother’s pendant – the one hanging around his neck – it always finds its way back to him. He doesn’t care much about his appearances, hygiene, or likes/dislikes at all. In fact, he doesn’t care much about anything except those who he deems important to him. He’s great at bullshitting, flapping his trap, and changing his tone and manner based on who he’s talking to. He’s not particular on the details. So long as the job gets done, he’s good.

However, he’s oddly methodical about some things. Adaptive, reactive, and decisive.

When he was a baby, his parents were killed by a druggie and after which he was raised at an abbey. At 16, he joined the CR:5 and went from associate to made man with no real trouble. Ever since he was a kid, he’s always been jail-hopping, jumping in and out of prisons. He hasn’t once failed in an escape. He sees them as a puzzle. Despite his position in the Mafia and as the go-to guy for breakouts, he’s rather gullible, which is where most of his losses stem from.

However, he’s very observant. Unfortunately, he can also be reckless when riled up. He also somehow makes others around him more relaxed and comfortable.

At the start of the story, he receives orders from his Boss. First, he has been promoted to capo. Second, he is to free the rest of the CR:5 captains, and if he succeeds, then he will be head of the CR:5 family. Not one to pass up such opportunities, he takes it by the teeth, learning more about the family and his colleagues (and maybe friends or more) as he does so. Relationships:. Bernardo = reliable, but a bit pathetic. Luchino = arrogant, dashing, and wow what a mane.

Lucky Dog Bl Game

Giulio = strangely unsettlingly attentive, this Mad Dog. Ivan = you really are an idiot Swears: Ranges the gamut between English and Italian.

Falls to grade-school level when dealing with Ivan. Rackets: None. (In the past, he did some sometimes-counterfeit watch-selling.) Bernardo Ortolani Height: 190cm (6ft 3in) Weight: 68kg (149lb) Blood-Type: A Eye color: Apple green Age: 31 Birthday: June 14, 1901 Zodiac: Gemini Favorite food: Coffee Favorite color: Purple Car: Red Alfa Romeo (the one from their escape) Likes: Tinkering with his electronics, the best of everything but only a little at a time, wordplay and making references. Dislikes: Dark places, dealing with people. One of the younger generation of Mafiosos, but also sticks to the olden ways. He has an extremely strong sense of honor and duty, and very loyal to the Boss. He’s been a capo for eight years, which was only one year after he’d met Gian.

He’s friendly towards Gian, but has always kept him at a distance. However, he knows more about Gian than Gian knows. He’s very good at his job. Quick, precise, efficient. As the highest ranking capo, the others technically answer to him. He is also in charge of the information network, reconnaissance, finance, battle strategy, and negotiations between the CR:5, police, and other gangs, and he handles the communication between the captains, the Association and the Board of Directors.

Because of this, he is often very stressed. He jokes that the world has a grudge against his stomach and hair. He’s more tall than stocky, and almost gangly (helped by his birdlike appetite and meals of coffee, coffee, and coffee, all black). For sugar binges he has lollipops in his desk drawer. He’s rather up-to-date on fashion, but his watch alone is old. He loves tinkering with machines because they “never betray you and do the work you give them until they break,” which is especially relaxing to someone who gets anxious and tired dealing with people. Because of his affinity with electronics and as part of his work, he’s spread a network of communication through the Daivan phone system – his one prized weapon.

He has numbers to the public phones, stores, police HQ, mayor, his target’s workplace and lover and home, and whatever else you can imagine. He can also bug them, which he does frequently and sometimes unethically. Usually calm and relaxed, he can become very intimidating and cold, enough to stare down the manliest of men. When he takes off his glasses and rubs his face, it means he’s done and over with. When it’s up in the air, he’d rather choose “right” (rather than “left”). He’s also the godfather of 6 children.

Relationships:. Gian = loves enough to set up the “Great Plan”.

Luchino = reliable in a pinch. Giulio = as the Boss wishes, tries to keep him from Don Bondone. Ivan = as the Boss wishes and because he’s got the manpower, hopes he stays an ally Swears: Light Italian ones, though he reserves the harsher curses for Don Bondone. Rackets: Stock trading, labor strikes, buying and selling land. Luchino Gregoretti Height: 193cm (6ft 4in) Weight: 94kg (207lb) Blood-Type: O Eye color: Rose pink Age: 27 Birthday: July 29, 1905 Zodiac: Leo Favorite food: Risotto, minestrone, stew-type things Favorite color: Pink, black and white Gun: Browning Hi-Power (FN M1935) Likes: Spending money like the air he breathes, coffee with milk and sugar, women (preferably blonde with blue/green eyes), cleanliness and class, gambling Dislikes: Gian when he doesn’t bathe (he smells like a dog), black coffee, German guns Charismatic, handsome, luxuriously well-dressed. He tends to look at the big picture and doesn’t worry about the little things, and so tends to be rather arrogant. He’s confident and believes in himself (and so he often ends up giving orders).

But once someone works themselves into his favor – especially friends and family (blood or Mafia) – they’re in good hands since he’s extremely responsible to those under him. He always takes into account what’s at stake when he takes action.

Lucky Dog Bl Game

He’s not as particular about brands as Bernardo, but he has his things custom-made and he likes the comfortable familiarity of his own things (like furniture). His clothes are often ordermade from England and Belgium, though his shoes are always Italian. A man of vices – gambling, drinking, drugs, and women. Despite his strong sense of responsibility, he is quick to anger and has a vicious temper that clouds rationality.

He also doesn’t let things go – doubts, grudges, suspicions. His greatest happiness, though, may be with his family. If Bernardo is the actor in the background, Luchino is the face the public knows. He’s very generous with the Italian immigrants and the Daivan citizens, and so they trust him. He’s got connections with higher-ups and earns favor by being more old-fashioned than the rest of the young generation, but he has no desire to be boss. Relationships:.

Gian = somehow or another, grows fond of him. Bernardo = an ally he doesn’t want to see become his enemy. Giulio = ally, but doesn’t much care for him. Ivan = piss annoying, but he’s got manpower Swears: More often and more creatively than Ivan, though in Italian. Rackets: Blackmarket (anything from booze to dope to other meds), underground clubs, speakeasies, high-class escorts/prostitutes/gigolos, etc. Giulio di Bondone Height: 188cm (6ft 2in) Weight: 72kg (159lb) Blood-Type: AB Eye color: Dark violet Age: 24 Birthday: Feb.

Messiah Bl Game Download

15, 1908 Zodiac: Aquarius Favorite food: Ice cream Favorite color: Red Weapon: Knife, gun, bare hands, anything Likes: No real hobbies, but likes Gian, sweet things, Gian, red, Gian, sweets, Gian, warmth, Gian Dislikes: Americans (non-Italian), alcohol Belonging to a family as old as Daivan itself, and being the heir to boot, he’s well-brought up and well-mannered. Beautiful, silent, reserved, and someone Gian feels could hook up with anyone if he wanted to, Giulio has no interest in women. Instead, he keeps his eyes on Gian, his “aspiration.” He pays so much attention, in fact, that Bernardo has to warn Gian that, “When it comes to you, his ability to judge things shifts.” However, Giulio himself is a soldato – someone who bloodies his hands and has done hits and raids since his teens. (His knife somehow appears even when he’s got no clothes to hide them in.) He keeps a weaponry filled with grenades and rifles and shotguns and pistols under his bed in his hideout.

When he attacks, he has the precision of a sniper rifle and the speed of a bullet. For him, it’s much easier to kill than to leave someone alive (no matter how pained). But with everything else, he’s extremely clumsy.

Cooking results in a warzone, and dressing himself requires much squirming and even then he’d still miss a few belt buckles. He has perfect table manners, though. Giulio eats a lot for someone so graceful and thin. He can eat bowls of gelato in the space of a few blinks, and very happily, too.

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He also very much enjoys playing with corpses. Relationships:. Gian = aspiration!. Bernardo = someone he has to report to. Luchino = ally, but doesn’t care much for him.

Ivan = has manpower, but is American, so Swears: Almost never. Rather, he’s exceedingly polite. Rackets: None (but is in charge of the main battle troops and so does hits and raids). Ivan Fiore Height: 178cm (5ft 10in) Weight: 66kg (145lb) Blood-Type: B Eye color: Moss Grey Age: 22 Birth: Dec.

23, 1910 Zodiac: Capricorn Favorite food: Hot dogs that come with a punch, lollipops Favorite color: White Car: White Mercedes with a Supercharger (the “Valkyrie”) Gun:Colt 45 (M1911) Likes: Driving Dislikes: Big wigs with an attitude and nothing to back it up, Father an ordinary Italian, mother an Irish, Ivan is actually in an especially strange position as a captain of a Mafia family. He’s very straightforward and easy to rile.

Lucky Dog Bl Game

He also seems to specialize in riling up others and annoying them and generally pushing all their buttons. He’s also strong in fights. Doesn’t care what he looks like and doesn’t care for hygiene, which is the one thing he and Gian agree on. Too bad Gian enjoys making fun of him too much. He knows Italian but is awful at it. Horrible at numbers, too. Despite appearances, though, he’s incredibly serious about his job, his subordinates, and his racket.

A man with drive, and he’s not shy to yell it out. He also has an extremely strong grasp of his strengths and weaknesses and will go to great lengths to compensate for the flaws. His loyalties with the CR:5 have always been questioned for various reasons. He has a strong support in the non-Italian side of the slums and knows Daivan like the back of his hand.

His troops (many non-Italian Americans) are loyal only to him. Relationships:. Gian = respect me! Submit to me!!. Bernardo = reliable, but too sketchy.

Lucky Dog Bl Game Part 1 A.k.a Tenneouji

Luchino = cares too much about bloodlines. Giulio = freaky and creepy, but can fight Swears: Every other word.

English-only, though. Rackets: Prostitutes, booze-smuggling. I look forward to a spoiler version too. Thanks for doing this, this makes things much easier to see the relations between them but I find it surprising that Gian called Bernardo, pathetic, why did he say that?

I mean it seems to me that Bernardo holds Gian dearer in his heart than Gian does to him, I would have thought Gian would have said reliable and trustworthy or something like that. Oh and I just noticed that Bernardo is wearing an old watch and Gian sells counterfeit watches. I bet Gian gave him that! Don’t you just love it when Giulio kept repeating Gian all the time and is the “Great Plan” by Bernardo is the same ass taking over Davian, killing GD and rooting out the traitors? Not that I recall. I think it’s because Bernardo dislikes random possibilities and if he has to choose something, he’d rather have a set methodical way of doing it.

This way, he won’t have to worry about which to choose. (Don’t know if you were thinking about religion, but I don’t think that plays a role in this other than a slight bias of right over left? None of the CR:5 are very religious at all, even Gian.) I don’t recall any real reason given in his route, but as I said elsewhere, I played Bernardo’s route a long time ago. Oh Giulio Love the repetition of Gian, Gian, Gian under his Likes. And Bernado is so put-upon all the time.

Your descriptions are so accurate without being spoiler-y! I must admit that Ivan being 3 years younger than Gian is a bit surprising. I always thought Giulio was the youngest captain because he’s so pretty. =/ Gian is the god of BL heroes, hands-down. I haven’t played anyone nearly as epic as him, ever, and I’ve played a fair cross-section. Thanks very much for this entertaining page!

Like. allycat. What they each like about Gian?

These are just my analyses, but the parts they love most Ivan – He loves Gian for his honesty and lack of ambition. Gian’s a good friend and won’t backstab in normal circumstances. Giulio – He loves Gian for noticing him. For treating him as a human. Luchino – He loves Gian for being the stable emotional rock (which means Luchino is just that much worse) and yet being emotionally sensitive, for lack of better word.

Bernardo – He loves Gian for his charisma and awesomeness. No, I’m serious. As in, I think he sees Gian as someone larger than life and above normal laws of life, even.

Any opinions? Ivan – because he’s easy to make fun of and is cute in his tsuntsun-ness. And he’s good at what he does. Giulio – because he’s like a puppy dog (99% of the time), though Gian loves him for the utter difference in his personalities when he’s Mad Dog, too Luchino – because he’s dazzling and macho and strong and safe Bernardo – because he’s an old friend and, despite his patheticness at times, he is really skilled at what he does (information network, etc.). Also, probably because he’s impressed with the lengths Bernardo’s willing to go for him?